What is your definition of the term father? Many have come up with so much, that space will not permit we take all on this platform.
The best ever that was given was from ancient scripts, which says "his eyes are not blind that he can't see, hands are not short that he can't reach, ears are not deaf that he can't hear". How many can be described in such ways, fathers or leaders, with such a description it is best to say with such a person you are in safe hands.
Safe hands, how many of our leaders or rulers can be described as safe hands? What can be said about anything that is committed into your care? Can you be trusted to keep it safe from harm.
With cases of female brutality and dehumanization or is it the free for all bomblasts in the nomenclature of insurgency. It is time to self reflect if we have been erring in our various tasks as citizens and leaders or rather stake holders of project NIGERIA.
Let this be a call to a better you and for sake of posterity.
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