Prejudice, a menace that has taken over the world. Where men are judged, sometimes on their skin color, nationality, gender and even religious affiliations.
In Africa, Amensty International report 2012 says "violence and discrimination against women remained widespread in many countries" prejudice equals discrimination, have you ever been discriminated before or have you discriminated anyone before?
This is a tough question to answer, probably you haven't been in such situation to know what to do. Whether we realize it or not, it is difficult for us to detect if we harbor certain prejudices in our heart. Ancient scripts explains this when it said "the heart of man is more deceitful than anything else" (Jer 17:9).
In the body of christ, prejudice has taken a foothold, where we have split it into denomination and all claim to be christ followers (last I checked, christ was one). We regard others from other denomination as inferiors and even refuse to associate with them (apostacy, so they call it).
This crack was noticed in the early church, when the gentiles were termed 'inferior' on the altar of circumcision.
"Never judge a book by its cover", prejudice warranted such a phrase, this was put besat in scriptures in 1sam 16:7 and went further to show us how to live I Lev. 19:15 "be honest and just when make decisions in legal cases, do not show favoritism to the poor or fear the rich"
Many parliative measures have been put in place to cushion the effects of prejudice in our world and even in christendom. The famous " I have a dream speech" by Martin Luther and the United Nations Declarations on the elimination of all forms of Racial discrimination or any sort adopted by over 100 countries in November 20, 1963, still many are suffering th scourge of prejudice.
The solution is not putting laws but for people to truly give up this way of life, and this starts with making up your mind to change and as well know Gods viewpoint on the matter.
For Believers, the scripture says "those things that are not found in Christ, let them not be found in you".
In Acts 10, Peter, a jew was instructed by God to go to the house of a gentile 'cornelius' which was religiously wrong according to jewish tradition, as he would be termed 'unclean'. God had to use visions as illustrations to convince him that nothing was unclean. And at the end of the episode he confessed (Acts 10:34-35) peter said "I now realize that it is true that God treats everyone on the same basis". At the end, the gentiles receieved the outpouring of the holy spirit and apake in tongues and praised God, and finally baptized.
So then the question is; if God doesn't discriminate why then do you?
God isn't looking at the outward appearances ( though important; don't misquote me) but at the heart of men ( Rom 14:1-4, 1sam 16:7).
Stay Blessed.


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