It has become war without end, as a prayer in the catholic doctrine depicts, this syndrome is prevailing in our world of today.
In ages past this was the norm, everybody played to the gallery, if you didn't you would be termed an infidel or in present age 'uncivilized' is the term of choice.
History told of Abraham, Lot, Noah and others who dared to be different, which payed off greatly to their collective advantage.
At a time where incest was the order of the day, scripts told of a man (Noah), who chose the good part of uprightness and sincerity.
He was outstanding because he refused compromise, and a received a divine instruction of impending danger. Danger of which he warned the erring masses, though they refused to heed; just the way columnist are druming warning for the masses and leaders today, and nobody is paying attention to the call to logical reason.
Though it ended on a sour note, as the flood came calling, and the populace were unprepared, they were swept away by the tides and waves the accompanied, as a late repentance was not welcomed as the ark was shut against repentant fools.
So should we be aware of the of impending danger of dishonesty and the ravaging insurgency in the North eastern part of the Nation. We hope this is will not be the flood in the days of noah.
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