Firstly let me seize this opportunity to welcome you to this column (iPREACH), where we match Gods word with current events in the world today, and as you know the word will always prevail.
The kingdom in reference here is the of Heaven which supersedes that which we scramble for recognition and significance, and today in the first post on this column, what more would attract attention rather than wealth, that which every man is gasping after, we would see what the kingdom principles about the access to it is.
There are two powers of life;
A. Source of lack, poverty and fear is the spirit of ownership, the principle of ownership is the source of competition, war, strife and so much we see in the world today. A man wants to own an entire village, have every thing to be named bear his name or tag, this is rampant in the world today, nations fight over ownership of lands, continental shelves and so much.
B. The most powerful source, is that of peace, joy and love and is the spirit of access. This creates plenty. Human motivation (self preservation) is a normal human motivation, the economy is the means where self preservation is secured (jobs, currency for exchange or bargaining power are the tangibles in play here) the more currency you have , the more secure you seem to be. All nations are built on economies (the economy is more important than the government). The Bible says money answers all Eccl. 10:19. All you want to do requires money, it explains behavior, so hence your behavior is either based on money or God, Eccl. 5:10 (whoever loves money, never has enough)
Money is a lousy thing to pursue, but rather pursue the 'kingdom principle of access'.
When you get free from the spirit of ownership, giving is easy. When you stop fighting for ownership, others can then begin to benefits
Eccl. 5:12 - the more you get the more insecure you feel.
This one of the reason crime is rampant in the world today, the wonder is Gods economy is emerging because mans' economy can't solve the problem it has caused (the principle of ownership).
Stop hoarding, pulling and packing up things you would not need in years to come and Myles Munroe ones defined evil as; if you keep something someone else can use, without using it.
Today, I urge you to live in Gods' economy, that hungry next door neighbor would be saved if that bread you are about to throw away were channeled towards his way and you would have saved a life, likewise that rice wasting on daily basis.
Please note, it is not a crime to be blessed but remember we were blessed for a reason, to be a blessing ( just as Christ said "the poor will always remain amongst you") stay blessed.
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