Over the decades, this has been a heated argument over the land space of our dear planet. Many have taken activism as lucrative employment and a worthy cause I must state. The formation of the United Nations after the second world, and enacting of various decrees and laws, for the sustenance of peace and stall further occurrence of war.
With impunity almost taking over the world, social justice was restored with collective efforts of stakeholders. Canker worms like apartheid, human slavery, trafficking, raping, corruption, murder and all sorts have been curbed to a reduced level.
With this mankind was able to change communist society to capitalist society, money from the hands of the state to the hands of the people, hence the birth of civil servants (those who stay awake while you sleep well) and you pay with your taxes.
With this forged unity of purpose and will, just like in ancient times of Babylon and the tower. The enemy of good and light has seen this and is currently harnessing this to his advantage. Need I remind you that DEMOCRACY was birthed as a result of these unions (the people were given a right to choose their leaders).
Current trends can further reveal this anomaly, a major case is the enshrining of homosexuality into the laws of major nations and recent cases of transgender operations and men willingly marrying animals and inanimate entities, this led me to draw a conclusion "HUMAN RIGHT IS NOT ALL THAT IS RIGHT". Democracy that once brought succor to the race of mankind, has now become a tool in the hands of manipulators to achieve an evil scheme, while helpless people become spectators.
Evil is Evil, no matter which nation or person is involved and I strongly recommend the United Nations wade into the matter (if there is a sense of goodwill left in the body).
Never again should we allow mongers of evil oversee the affairs of men and let's invite God into the matter.
A word they say is enough for the wise!!

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