According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, logic is using sensible reason for doing something. This disputes what I heard recently from a renowned individual, that 'there is no logic in the Bible'. I pondered on the statement for days and saw reasons to refute the sentence (maybe on second thought, logic could be relatively here based on the understanding of the speaker).
But in this work, we will look at the logical side of God and the fall of mankind vis a vis redemption.
God had a perfect plan for humanity, which got to know of in Genesis. The script contained the master plan and modus operandi for mankind, That is logic in play. We ought to dominate, be friutful and multiply. Was it the fault of the creator that man fell? Another logic (from the definition earlier given) was making a man and a woman, for them to grow into a family, then to a street, then to a village till they become the human race, That is the greatest form of logic.
I think and always maintain that 'the will' given to man was the greatest gift and greatest undoing, as it can make or mar a man. This was what played out in the deceit of the serpent, it played on their free will and turned against them.
This action twarted the master plan and again called for writing of another script 'REDEMPTION', yet again logic in play.
At first blood of animals were called upon but the innocent beasts couldn't bear the burden, as atonement wasn't permanent, and a priceless blood had to be shared at great expense for this cause.
If God were illogical, redemption wouldn't surface, and indirectly we say he is irrational. That plan is still in play today, as the gospel is preached to reach out to lost souls, as it not the wish of the creator that anyman perish, that again is logical. Why would destroy what you love dearly except it wishes to be destroyed.
So in all, we worship a rational God who would not see his offsprings suffer "if your earthly father would not give you stone when you ask for bread, how much more your heavenly father" always remember that.

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