Many often say 'Labour vs Favour', laughable I say, some even pray ceaselessly for favour rain without come to fruition. And most times God is asked " where are you".
So many today, have misused these two or rather have placed favour before labour, some even discard labour and cling to favour (Faith without work is dead). this is also a case of placing the cart before the horse.

Favour only comes from labour QED, see the analog of a couple, sitting every night hoping and praying for offsprings with the much needed work (sex), tell me isn't that wishful thinking? Or a pregnant woman, who wishes to deliever without labour pains. "Labour is what yields new products", in the case of the expectant mother, favour is when her baby is delievered safely without complication, not absence of labour pains. Ancient scripts puts it best: I will bless(favour)  the works (labour ) of thy hands. To bless is the favour of God and that is his part and work (labour) is the part of man.
Abraham, a patriach of faith was blessed, but first there was work. Many today have misused grace and favour, which has taken them far from target, into the ditch of social vices and 'microwave success'. The gift of a man maketh room for him and another quote says "seeth thou a man diligent in his work (labour), he won't stand before mean men but before kings and queens", gifts only make room when they have been refined and expanded.
Little wonder why big names get big contracts cos they have worked to earn their status. I have said this over and over again, "that life is like an empty cup, people only see your content only to the level you have filled it". Even salvation, came at a great price (though we get it free, Christs' blood was the subsidy). Never cease in doing your work part, for in due season, if the cloud be full, it must definitely rain favour. For favour is on the exclusive list of the Almighty and no man can force it.

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