Some individuals are too wise for their own good, you probably must have been around such people or you may even be such individual and get to be with your self every day and night. One notable thing about people of strong character or wise men, they see themselves as not been better than others but just privileged, and give a chance to learn from others and always be flexible, hence there is a chance they will add to their knowledge. Note that learning and study never ends.

You ought to be asking questions of yourself, when you think, you have all questions answered, and there and then you have got to be asking new set of questions. Never assume you are the best at what you do, because there might just be a part you don’t know. For example, you may say I’m rich, but in relation to whom, you could just be poor or even a wretch. Likewise saying I’m rich, in relation to whom, you could be the richest man in the world. Ancient script says, “we strive to perfection”... You have got to keep moving and getting better, and never allow stagnation creep into your life.
In a stadium full to capacity, a final match of a big competition was keenly contested by two great teams for the coveted trophy, on the clock it was a few minutes to signal the end of normal regulation time and it was a stale mate. All of a sudden a pass was laid from midfield and was latched unto by the striker of the opposition team, a defender was about an arms length away, in his own wisdom instead of taking the ball away, he decided to protest to the referee that the striker was in an offside position, the referee being the judge ignored him and still he continued his protest and the striker went on to score, and won his team the glorious crown of champions. Wow, what a wise defender you might say or was he foolish, for me he was wise alright but was too wise for his own good or probably wise enough to the wrong guy. For me, the deed had been done and nothing can be done to change it, but further mistakes can be avoided and that is what I say to you right now.  My problem with the defender wasn’t that he didn’t stretch his foot to take the ball, but that he never gave enough room in his capacity to be flexible to react to change in his environment or in his philosophy.
On the other hand, the striker was a guy of strong character, he was focused, determined and committed to his goal, which he scored, despite the protest from the defender, he could have just lost hope and gave up the ball due to protest but rather waited for the judge to call him off which never happened.
If you are like the defender, you have got to refine your philosophy of life and success, or maybe you are around such people, you need to change friends, those who see the hand of others in their failure and never see what they have failed to do. Don’t join in making excuses and start making progress and remember that the grace of the lord is always there for you to activate in challenging times and always ask God for help.
In conclusion I introduce you to the principle of FLEXIBILITY. Check your situation, there is something, might just be a number you are yet to key into the combination to open the lock to your success, the lock requires five numbers and you may have entered four, it is not magic enter the fifth and it will pop open for you. God had wished you success; don’t frustrate your greatness just because of your neglect. Even god had always been flexible with man, keeping an escape route for us in times of our short comings (salvation, redemption and grace).
You have to be the man, God can use to change and affect his world positively, never write off yourself (that is the worst thing that can happen to any man), God hasn’t written you off. He still waiting for you for you to ask him for direction for your life, he will teach you to become a better person with his word.
Never stop reading, listening and studying till you find that spark to your change process.
            See you next time on your part of the bargain….

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