Hey there, I guess after reading this many would disagree that this should be a situable heading. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" isn't that what ancient script said? Some times I wonder at the names and careers we have in the world today, the likes of doctors, lawyers, teachers and what have you, though much isn't known about the originators. But I know that surely someone must have been the first Doctor, teacher etc.

As the earlier quote said, your job is what you say it, as we have seen in recent times, the culmination of court jesters in a lucrative business fetching millions of dollars, likes of Ali baba, Ay etc. Some strange named jobs have come on the seen with advent of internet and the discovery of gadgets.
Today, we would focus on Socrates, the father of philosophy. He was a purported jobless man, who sat at the market square asking questions of life, making the greeks realise that actually nobody knew anything in life, neither was he a succesful family man, as he had a nagging wife, whose nagging most times made him stay longer than due at market place asking questions of everyone, until he gets invited for dinner. This was his job in real terms, when confronted by many as what he does for a living, he was wise enough to say 'Philosophy' meaning love of wisdom.
When the elites of Greece accused him of teaching their children wrong things and sentenced him to death by drinking poison, unless he renounced his teaching. He was bold enough to stand for what he believed in (wisdom perhaps), refused to denounce what he devoted his life for, and gladly drank the poison slowly at the admiration of his few disciples. That was job to him and wisdom too, but to you is that a job or would you dare to call it wisdom? With thoughts of family and friends, won't you denounce your teachings?
In a nutshell, what I intend is for you to ponder on your life and have a redress on what you tag wisdom or job. Does your job bring a feel of so much joy, you are willing to give it your all? Or you are merely surviving? Am I trying to say I am wise, NO, that is not my intent or my belief. Just like socrates, he never admitted to be wise but rather asked thought provoking questions. Do have a nice time.

freelance writer and speaker
Chief Editor and Member

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