A walk along the boulevard (street), brought fond memories time past (not too long ago), though settings had changed and definitely people as well, I remember remember how we used to be friendly with neighbours, that our parents could entrust us in their care when we returned from school. Playing with their kids was the best part of fun. Houses were characterised by low fences, if they had any so we could admire either the art work on the building or the edifice itself, on the other hand, it was beneficial to occupants as they had access to first class oxygen to inhale. Mama jane would without fear display her wares in the store and sit at the back to wash her babies dirty panties, and would be sure to hear the phrase "who dey sell?" And would with the speed of light. So it was in my beloved hood
Suddenly I hit my leg against a protruding stone, and I opened my eyes to high fences and occupants gasping for free air, not due to population rise but because of security issues. What has gone wrong? Was the only question that came to mind.
Could it be that love no longer lived in my hood, or was it a dip in the rate of humanity and morality in the society?, we could barely live the house empty without anyone anyone, you would come back to a truly empty house.
Things have gone to the extent of self defense by the formation of vigilante groups.
This an appeal to all and sundry to heed the call of corncerned individuals, at a time such as this that everyone's nerve is on the edge, as the backfiring of a car or motorcycle can produce a mild drama in the vicinity.
This is a call to security vigilance, let's all know that security is everybodys' business. And also teach our young ones to be their brothers keepers. Stay blessed.


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