April 14, terrorist abducted school girls from a government school in Chibok, Borno State. We are still debating how many they are. The rescue efforts were futile enough for parents of the victims to dare the Samsiba Forest, on their own. National life is bustling; except for the parents, little else is being heard (many say for security reasons, laughable). Boko haram, accused of taking the young girls (which Nyarko has said is a phantom and a ploy by the federal govt to destroy the 'Northern Nation'), has been slaughtering innocent students in their sleep and bombing at random, robbing and maiming.
On April 16, a south Korean ferry conveying over 500 passengers, mostly high school students and their teachers to the holiday island of Jegu sank. 174 survived with the remainder presumed dead though resue operations continue. On Sunday, The south korean prime minister, Chung Hong-wong, resigned in response to criticism of the governments slow reaction to the accident.
He was neither the owner of the ill fated ferry, minister of transport or rather the captain of the ferry. He was the captain of the Nation of which the ferry was part of, and the safety of those lives were his primary assignment, and he accepted responsibilty and traded no blames or blamed anybody or the media for escalating the situation.
In his words "keeping my post is too great a burden on the administration" in a brief announcement (with reference to the 9/11 attack, when the then American president fainted on getting to the site of the dastardly act; humanity I say at its peak).
He apologised for many problems from the prevention of the accident and hoped they are corrected. Some have even called for the resignation of the of the president Park Geun-hye.
They have banned applause at baseball games, comedy on television has been suspended, the nation is in mourning and its evident that the life of citizens count especially the young ones.
Is it that we have nobody charged with our security in this part, though evasion of responsiblity is a known plaque we have grown as a nation to nurture.
Has security of lives and properties been thrown away due to shenaniganism of those who pilot affairs the nation or is it they haven't had personal encounters.
On a lighter note, it was reported in the dailies that four girls have yet again escaped from the abductors as they were left for dead due to ill health. But yet again politicised, as the local government boss admits he wasn't allowed to see them (imagine?) Painting the image of a hoax in the air.
God bless Nigeria, as we will see the end of this scourge as always is the case. Remember security is everyones business.
Be vigilante.


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