Without much ado, let's get down to business. Todays question for discuss is
As the saying goes, "it has become difficult to find love since sex became easy to get". (Laughable) this question has become an issue of discuss, cos the rate of break ups and make ups.
At a summit not too long ago, this issue was raised and we had divergent views and I will share some.
Amodu: for me, no sex in a relationship is as good as no relationship at all, cos sex is the 'cement' or binding factor of the whole sojourn. And as it is, if you haven't engaged in it with a partner, you feel cheated. Before it she felt impregnable and after it, I felt in charge. So give and take for me it is essential cos you have nothing to hide from each other.
Bayo: our elders say "don't taste what you won't buy", if you really profess to love her, then her body is worth waiting for. Some say, in certain cases, she would cheat on you and call you a fool, then she doesn't really love you in the real sense of things.
Jane: as a female, for me, it is totally unacceptable, if you can't wait the door is always open for you to leave my life. As I see it as a sacred issue and the exclusivity of married couples.
Twinnies' take: the world has commercialized sex that the young ones no longer see it as a ritual, which should be performed by those for which it was made. There is barely an advert you would see today, that has no sexual undertone. I think it would rate at about 85 percent. Sex was designed exclusively for marriage to seal the contract. Blood ought to spilled on the males penis (but today, it is only that blood spilled on the cross that speaks), this topic for another discuss. As the saying goes anyone you sleep with you tie your soul with such.
Please note: nobody judges you for your views and comment, you are entitled to your opinions. Stay blessed.
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