Am I trying to play judge? Certainly not, it is not my intent neither my belief. All are important but not all are expedient, so paul said in ancient scrolls. Food is important likwise fashion, but there are thing (innate) that have no value in coins, this what I refer to as mental food, where do you go to have them boosted or replenished. Your purpose in life plays a major role in determining where you go.
Many have accused me of trying too hard to replicate what I see within, but for me there is no stopping because it is what keeps me going.
Many youths would gladly spend on designer belts and shoes, for them it ticks but I tell you it is time dependent. I know a famous tale of a man who was good in citroen spares and he was the dealin his time, but refused to enhance and improve because then citroen was the in thing, today he is in the village living from hand to mouth (who drives citroen these days).
For those who lack, take this to help;
Mastermind: build a league of friends, who can be dependable when you need that ground breaking idea or way out. The 'there is no problem kind of guys', you need it, and I call them the mastermind, you are like siamese twins connected by brain ( but don't need no Ben Carson). I got mine (needless to share), I learnt this from Napoleon Hill, infact stole some of his (laughs), they were men I admired myself.
You can connect with your masterminds physically or through the subconscious, by studying their lives and how they solved problems.
Books; those I admire and can't meet, I look for their works, every writer puts a part of his soul in his work and this can be harnessed. Got some master piece to suggest; The Richest Man in Babylon. In books, you can get into the authors head and feel his senses. Give it a try. Don't fall in the category of those who don't (ref: see the Philosophical man: on this site).
Take these to heart, try them and give me feedback, always remember play your part it is your bargain and let the infinte play his.
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