The new trend on our political scene is the purposed removal of impeachment clause from the Nigerian constitution and replaced with the vote of no confidence on the said officer, as suggested by the vice senate president Senator Ike Ekeremadu.
This has made me wonder, when has this become an issue of national interest, some say it is a way to further boost immunity of office holders. Only when we have heard of impeachment to be sincere is when an officer steps on toes of powers that be, examples are glaring like the addition of amala mathematics in our political lexicon, Rivers state is a very good example, where five became majority in a house of over twenty.
For many like me, Vote of no confidence bill can only be effective in our polity, if and only if our office holders are sincere enough to resign from office willingly, like we saw in Canada some time ago, where a minster resigned for spending outside her budget. But in this part of the world, the largese that come with political offices are hard to let go (like the attempted third term bill of Gen. Obasanjo).
On second thoughts, could this be a way of getting rid of godfatherism? Because if achieved, our office holders could actually then go against the will of the godfathers and go scot free, without fear of impeachment from loyalist of such big wits. Well this is just a thought of mine. Forgive me if I may have stepped on toes. God bless Nigeria
FOLLOW: @the_Eonn
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