With the cosmetic make-over we see in the polity has made questioning inevitable. Yet another straw that hit the proverbial camel was the bomb blast at Nyanya last week. It has become a tradition that security is always tighten at the spot of a blast after the blast. Good students would have taken note that the said insurgence has not hit the same spot twice (stand to be corrected), if that being the case, I would not be far from the truth when I say, it is all cosmetic surgery that our leaders are giving the true situation of things. Cases are endless, is it the killing of innocent children who were having beauty sleep (sleep on gallant heros) or the the young girls who were abducted last week or rather the Nyanya blast.
My economics teacher then in high school was fond of the phrase "preparing for unforseen contigencies" and we always gave it a big laugh because we thought he was trying to impress us with grammar, now I see the essence of that statement, only that my people or rather rulers have refused to apply the afore mentioned phrase. As the title I chose reads, could this be an unscripted saga that those disgruntled elements are playing out. With accusation and counter accusation been traded across board by ruling party and opposition, would this be another ploy to keep the citizenry occupied for the election year? All I pray is that this doesn't lead to disintegration (but though I don't think that is the intent), though Nigerians are survivors who can take anything in their stride. This is a known fact by leaders which they have put to advantage.
May this episode be just another story, that history will tell to future generations. God bless Nigeria.
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