Gists making the rounds in my state of residence (Edo state) is the current fixed charges collected before sales of units to light consumers. The prompted the CSO (civil society organization) to lead a protest to the BEDC (benin electricity distribution company) and the State House of Assembly.
The fixed charge has become a canker worm plaguing electricity users in the state (don't know about others). This charge is what you pay before your prepaid meters are recharged with units, take this instance, you travel for six months and switch off all electrical appliances and even disengage your meter. Upon return you wish to recharge and then slammed with a compulsory charge of N750 for residential. Without which you are denied access to power supply (this disheartening).
The civil society said this was robbery and even those using electricity are paying for darkness, hence I decide to lend credence to this social injustice to the common man, as it is our collective duty. Though the State House of assembly last week impressed me for the first time in a long time, as they waded into the matter by inviting the management of the BEDC.
The BEDC refused to accept responsibility for the fixed charges as they said NERC was responsible for it and issued for the collection. The members of the house assembly and civil society asked fundamental questions like what the money was been used for? And whose possession does the money go?.
Not to be a cynic, but I'm tempted to believe that the house waded in because they were affected as well (please don't crucify me for voicing my thoughts). The last is yet to be heard of the matter. But in the end, I hope that justice prevails and the good of users are protected.
On a last note, I honestly think the CPC(consumer protection commission) is the right umbrage for this struggle. That is if they truly want to protect the consumers.
God bless Nigeria and everyone who stand for social justice.

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