Black is a colour likewise white is too, as well as yellow and others that follow on the colour spectrum. Though some may think the fight against apartheid is over (racism), but the wave still rages on, that is what prompted this work to press on his issue that is ravaging human existence. I have a topic on prejudice ( I recommend you take a look). For soccer fans like me, we see this every now and then, even in the Uefa champions league we see inscriptions like 'we say no to racism'. The fight is still much on, at the last confederation cup in Brazil with the Italian team (if you still remember), this fight has gone beyond a set of people calling others names.
My argument is that, if white and black are colours as know it to be, how then would blacks called 'coloured', we are one under the same sun and heaven, even though climate may differ but biologically share same features. I have never seen or read of any man with two heads or five kidneys, neither will you see an organ that makes you different from the other, else you would be tagged abnormal.
For Africans, we see other races as superior, that is why on our streets, they drive with tightest security (fierce looking soldiers and policemen) beating traffic and nobody dares to say anything about it. The common man is treated with no regards. Not too long ago, we heard of a pregnant woman who lost her baby due to mal handling from foreign employer or is it the factory workers, it is really a sorry sight. Even the leaders mortgage the future of the next generation on grounds of foreign investments and grants, to fuel their inordinate desires. Which most times don't mean well or put food on the table of the citizenry.
Like I said earlier, this is just a thought, I'm not been racial but just making us understand that every man deserves a right to equal opportunity and rights. Bless you all.

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