Today, many seek for mistakes of others, not paying attention to their shortcomings, we wish others accept the blame and not us. Bob Gass once said, some peoples idea of a good sermon is one that goes over their head and hits the next person right between the eyes.
How can you walk into a Doctors' office looking pale and shivers and tell him "my brother has got a problem".
We will in a few minutes stress on a key word many have refused to adhere to (thinking others are to blame), some misinterprets PERSISTENCE for STURBONNESS. Persistence is a virtue everyone ought to have in quest for achieving greatness. You can persist in your goals and visions without being stubborn.
You can humbly change people who see no good in what you do, by showing them through your persistent spirit and zeal, that goal can be achieved (your visions or goals should be good and beneficial to mankind and be in line with God's will). Stubborness usually sends a wrong message to those around you.
Achieving goals or dream can be likened to climbing stairs, once you step on the first what you should permit is upward and forward movement only, never wait for things to be perfect, because sweetheart they never will, persistence is keeps you moving up on the stairs of life.
Even christ persisted in midst of trials and claimed his glory.
You have got to make that move, success might just be a foot away.
Some time ago, I asked a friend while he never planned to do anything, he simply said "when the money comes, I will plan" (he was a moment man) and I told him when the money comes (if it will), it will do the thinking for him(QED).
Today's analog was shared by one of the greatest teachers to have lived on earth (Jesus).
A widow had lost all she had unjustly and decided to seek justice, ancient scripts recorded that a judge lived in her village and she went to him humbly, to ask for his help. On first attempt, he didn't grant her audience, that didn't deter her, rather her fire burnt even hotter. She kept going to plead and finally he felt she had come to much and then gave her justice.
Likewise was it told of a young black girl, who out of persistence got half a dollar off a hostile white man (in the era of black marginalia) when the white man screamed "leave my presence", she stood still and with a gentle voice made her request.
Even in his hostility, she stood firm and made her request gently, till she got the money off him.
Persistence is always accompanied with patience and endurance. Remember, your purpose is what defines you, never quit your dreams, quitters never win an winners never quit. Put yourself on a road to recovery of values and all good things.

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