What other fabulous way to start a day rather than self examination, but this what many lack. And that is the void we are here to fill.
Anger just like any force of nature, is neutral, it only becomes what you make out of it. ('in every man there are two wolfs, the major deal is which do you feed?').
In recent times, we have been used to Negative channel of anger, that why when the discuss is mentioned involuntarily, the mind tends toward the negative and wish not to discuss. Wars, genocide, rape, Holocaust and other vises have resulted from this negative use. But need I remind you that God was angry at situation of man and hence came salvation (positive anger), Jesus was angry and cleaned the temple of those who defiled it, yet another positive channel.
Many are angry at the system and government, and they seek for vengeance, but this carried out negatively. I am. Angry that is why I have decided to educate, because there is a lacuna in the educational institution, which makes graduates dependent on the system which ought not to be.
Few weeks ago, I boarded a taxi, some few meters away on a slope, we ran into traffic and normal buses behing ought to give at least a meter distance away, but as the case was, it was bumper to fender.
As the driver tried to move forward the bus rolled back and hit the vehicle behind..
This sparked an argument and a brawl was started. The rate of damage wasn't up to N500, but at the end of the day led to a free for all fight, and casualties were recorded, with some loosing teeth and other had their head smashed.
And I thought to myself (cos no one would listen), if such energy were harnessed in chasing worthy goals.
Finally, I ask you "your anger to what end?".

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