With the national confab currently on going in Abuja, entering it's second week, the delegates seemed to have trimmed down their personal aides. When the conference commenced, most of the delegates had at least 4 to 5 aides to themselves. Most of these aides were obviously very irrelevant and jobless.

However, that did not deter their masters (the delegates) from asking the Federal government to also pay them allowances. Their request was bluntly refused by the confab chairman, Juctice Idris Kutigi, rtd. The chairman told them that the FG had only made provisions for the delegates themselves, their aides not inclusive. When the delegates realized that they would have to start feeding their so-called aides from their pockets, not to mention hotel accommodation and other expenses; they obviously used their tongue to count their teeth. The aides which made the national judicial institute, Abuja, the venue of the conference rowdy in the first week are presently nowhere to be found. The delegates are now said to be holding on to only the important aides such as their drivers. They now carry their files themselves, which before was too "heavy" for them to carry.

Just a question to ponder on: remember these delegates are a total of 492, and they have already been allocated fat bonuses acc ruing into 12 million Naira. Isn't that enough money to pay their aides from? This is obviously another case of misplaced priority and I dare to call their patriotism to serious questioning.

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