"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" this is what plays out in affairs and polity today. Far back in time, we saw the greatest unholy unions the world had ever seen to achieve a common and that is to destroy the percieved common enemy, and it is usually out of envy or jealousy.
Tales tells of the Sadducees and Pharisees, a pair who don't see eyeball to eyeball in terms of ideaology, life goals and philosophy. The Pharisees stuck to faith and belief in the infinite one while the sadduccees saw the greek way of life as a way to go.
Their ideas influenced government of the day, through the power of the sanhendrin and priest. To say the least, they had the will of the people.
Out of the blue came a man 'the messiah' who began to gain popularity, he was healing and raising the dead. It was only natural that they began to feel inferior, as their consultations and popularity in the affairs of the people began to dwindle and fade over the time.
As the saying goes, the had a wild card on the table and decided to play it, by forging unison and taking out 'the common enemy' and that they achieved, though unknowning they had helped in playing out the prophesy of old.
Likewise I am tempted to think same for the union of CAN, ANPP, LP and others to form the APC. We all know the agenda of the formation and they are not silent about it, unsit the PDP. With we have seen them attempt in the National assembly (upper and lower). But with mass exodus of those who held the guns in PDP to APC. Could this be ploy of the PDP to fulfill their dreams of being in power for 60 years as acclaimed by Metuh. Because recent events almost suggest so. The episode continues
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