The Islamic insurgency in the north eastern part of Nigeria is no longer news to us. Every day we hear or see in our various mass media how these men without conscience murder innocent Nigerians with little or no regard for human lives.
However, there seems to be a smoke that may soon result into a large fiery flame if not nipped in the bud. For some months now, there have been incessant killings and burning of villages in the middle belt; especially in Benue and Plateau states. It's tentacles has even spread into Kaduna state. A couple of days ago, these assailants who are currently being labeled as "Fulani cattle herdsmen" burnt and sacked several villages in Benue state close to makurdi, the state capital. About a week ago, some villages in the southern part of Kaduna was also attacked. In these attacks, over a 100 lives were lost with villages disappearing into oblivion. The so called "Fulani cattle herdsmen" are well armed like their boko haram counterparts brandishing AK-47 rifles and IEDs. It may even surprise you to know that they had the effrontery to attack the Governor of Benue's convoy while he was inspecting some of the burnt villages.
With all these happenings, the Nigerian military seems to so focused on the 3 north eastern states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa that the assailants in the middle belt are having a field day. This seems to be a case of someone trying to quench a fire not knowing the clothe he is putting on is already burning. With the spate and method of these attacks, one needs not to be told that these so called fulanis are affiliated to, and working with boko haram. The Nigerian armed forces should use their tongue to count their teeth. Prompt military intervention should be deployed to the these areas before the situation gets out of hand; and before it gets to a situation where the federal government may be forced to once again release the "hammer" on those states. This is simply Boko Haram strategizing and attacking in another form. The same enemy with a new face.
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