
This is to herald our Youtube channel.. watch and subscribe. endless videos soon.. cheers guys..


Training for Secondary school students
on skill acquisition and social media as a
tool for entrepreneurial capabilities.

watch and drop your comments..


The Symposium in conjunction with L'orbits international..
Theme: Reawakening Voters Enthusiasm in Nigeria and official unveiling of AVALANCHE.

Venue: Uniben Banquet Hall
Speakers included Barr. Austin Osakwe, Rev. Olu Martins to mention a few.
watch.. more coming soon...


EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE is the name of the eleventh plaque, which is breezing through our educational sector and it seems it has become a norm. With the dismal performance at the just concluded UTME, blames were thrown


Frank was hired recently to make calls on behalf of his restaurant to customers on a two day plan, after a month the boss comes for inventory to inquire how many calls he had made, and frank began with stories of how network providers made his job a living hell. But the boss shut him, saying "the little box I have can only take numbers and not stories.
Just like many today, ask them why are you still on this level? And all you get are stories that won't fit into 'the small box', they can go on and on, taxes, cost of living, high transportation, corruption of government all they mention didn't start today, why has it become recurring decimals. (Just for the records, during the era of SAP, the contracts that made govt devalue Naira and borrow funds, some are still to be completed! It's that gross).
The 'brothers' who make he forbes richest men year in year out, have numbers to show, likewise big Nations and economies (the recent rebasing of the Nigerian economy can show more). Ever wondered why the chairs in Nursery three can't take a man of thiry-three, growth is all about numbers, how many years would you love your ward to spend in one class? The answer you would be reciting to yourself now!
So you see, growth is clearly a nubers game, that's why many would manipulate figures to show pseudo-growth. And as always increase your numbers legitimately and don't tell stories. It's your bargain to do so.


Dividence of WEF

China, Nigeria sign N2trn railway deal

China Railway Construction Corporation Limited has signed a contract for a $13.1billion, about N2 trillion, railway project with the Ministry of Transportation for a coastal railway line that will transverse ten states of Nigeria.
The length of the railway line will be 1,385 km in one-way mileage and a design speed of 120 km/h including twenty-two railway stations which is expected to be built along the line.
In a statement, the company said one of its subsidiaries, the China Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd., signed the contract and that the two parties are still discussing details based on the released framework.
In a related development, Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng yesterday at the ongoing World Economic Forum in Abuja, said thatChina encourages more Chinese enterprises to expand investment in Nigeria's manufacturing sector, transfer technologies and train personnel to increase local job opportunities.
He said such economic bilateral relationship will compliment each other's economic interest since Nigeria has a huge population and consumer market, while China has an edge in the processing industry.
He said, "The two countries can further deepen bilateral cooperation in areas like textile, garment and household appliance industries on the basis of their current economic and trade cooperation zones, while gradually expanding the scale and level of cooperation.
"In recent years, investment from China's private enterprises in Nigeria has increasingly been active as over 40 Chinese private firms have entered Nigeria with a total investment of $800 million in the fields of agriculture, textile industry, construction materials, mining and others."
He further said that, "Chinese enterprises invest in Nigeria's seed cultivation and have become the Nigerian government's seed providers, which helps boost local self-support in grain. Chinese and Nigerian enterprises have joined hands in operating satellite networks, with digital television signals covering 84 percent of the African country, which promoted cultural exchanges of both countries."
He added that, "Within the framework of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, Chinese enterprises and the Nigerian government have worked together to build two economic and trade cooperation zones in Nigeria and to open chinaware, furniture and household appliance manufacturing factories, which have created more than 4,000 jobs in the country."



Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, on Tuesday said the government of President Goodluck Jonathan was not capable of countering the menace of the violent Islamic sect, Boko Haram.

Speaking on Amanpour on CNN, Soyinka submitted that the international community must intervene in what he called the bestiality of the insurgents when responding the question of the host, Christine Amanpour on how the insurgency in the country could be tackled.

"This menace has to be internationalised; every country has to be involved in finding solutions to the problem. It is not a Nigerian problem but the problem of the whole world. From the activities of the group and the response of the government since this madness started, it is clear that this government cannot handle this problem alone," he said.

Soyinka accused both the past and the present governments in the country of living in self denial, by believing that they could negotiate or "appeal" to "murderers and killers" to stop their activities.

He said, "It is not just the President that has been living in self denial but some of those he has surrounded himself with. I cannot understand why it is difficult to ask for international help when you are confronted with a problem of this nature.

"The problem would not have reached this monstrous level if the President has not been living in self denial. So, accepting the help of the United States in this matter is long overdue."

Soyinka faulted the visit of the former Nigerian President, the late Umaru Yar'Adua, to the family and loyalists of the founder of Boko Haram, Yusuf Mohammed, after he was killed in police detention in 2009.

The Nobel Laureate said, "I don't support extrajudicial killing; it is condemnable, it is absurd. But you need to understand this better that these people that were said to have been killed by the security agents were equally killers and murderers.

"Yusuf, the leader of the sect, was killing people and forcing people to convert to Islam or be killed. Now, I'm surprised that some people have painted Yusuf as a saint.

"The former President went to the family and people of Yusuf after he was killed (in 2009) to plead with them to be calm; appealing to killers and murderers to be calm?"

Soyinka noted that the abducted schoolgirls in Chibok might live with the trauma of their kidnapping for the rest of their lives, recommending that the authorities should get psychologists, who would be able to help them after they might have been freed.

He explained that the politicians had laid the foundation for the army of idle militants in the North, which became the bedrock of the lingering insurgency.

"The politicians helped to entrench this problem in the first place. The large army of Almajiri metamorphosed into the raw materials that these terrorists recruited and the politicians also used them for their own selfish interest. Now, they can no longer handle the problem," he said.

When Amanpour asked Soyinka for his reaction to the pronouncements and actions of the wife of the President, Dame Patience Jonathan, on Monday, the Nobel Laureate said, "That one that calls herself the First Lady of Nigeria? I don't want to talk about her."



Salt plays a role in water retention, muscle contraction, and contains nutrients that are vital to your stomach. Salt in moderation is actually very important to your diet. Check out why:

Salt Helps Retain Water in the Body

Our bodies rely on electrolytes, including salt, to help carry out electrical impulses that control many of our bodies' functions. To keep our bodies functioning as they should, our bodies need the proper amount of electrolytes. Electrolytes trigger thirst mechanism, which cause us to consume adequate amounts of water. With this water, our kidneys are able to keep the appropriate amount of electrolytes in our bloodstream. The amount of water our bodies retain also impact blood pressure. Think about it: a lot of bars and restaurants provide complimentary salty snacks. Why? They make you thirsty and wanting to purchase more drinks!

Salt Stimulates Muscle Contraction

Salt is important to the nerves, as it stimulates muscle contraction; this will also help prevent your muscles from cramping. Salt also keeps calcium and other minerals in the bloodstream. It also stimulates the adrenal glands. Salt is also very important in the prevention of heat prostration and sunstroke, which is very important to remember during hot summer months.

Salt Contains Nutrients Vital to the Digestive System

Salt plays a primary role in the processes of digestion and absorption. Salt activates an enzyme in the mouth called salivary amylase. At this point, the salt allows your taste buds to taste the food. Salt also plays a role in digestion by helping to break down food. Salt also creates hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is a very important digestive secretion, which lines the stomach walls. Salt actually helps your body digest food, rather than trying to eat itself.

A Lack of Salt Is Dangerous

A sodium deficiency is a health condition where a body fails to receive an adequate supply of sodium. Sodium deficiency can become extremely prevalent in excessive temperatures, which cause the body to perspire heavily and patterns of dehydration will set in. Sodium deficiency can lead to shock if the blood pressure is decreased too severely. Salt is important to good nutritional status. Too little can cause disturbances in tissue-water and acid-base balance, which is important to good nutrition.

Remember, diets too high in sodium can lead to high water retention and hypertension. Overall, salt is generally nontoxic to adults, provided it is excreted properly. The maximum amount of sodium that should be incorporated into a healthy diet should range from 2,400-3,000 mg/day.



Episode 3
Sequel to previous episodes the nuggets continue...

Being wise is better than being strong, yes knowledge is more important than strength, after all, you must make careful plans before you fight a battle and the more good advice gotten, the more likely you are to win

Wise sayings are too deep for stupid people to understand, they have nothing to say when important matters are being discussed

If you are always planning evil, you will earn a reputation as a trouble maker, any scheme a fool thinks up is sinful and people hates a person who has nothing but scorn for others

If you are weak in crisis, you are weak indeed

Don't hesitate to rescue someone who is about to be executed unjustly, you may say that is none of your business, but God knows and judges your motives. He keeps a tab on you, he knows and he will reward you according to what you do.

Son, eat honey, it is good and as honey from the comb is sweet on your tongue, you may be sure that wisdom is good for the soul. Get wisdom and you have a bright future

Don't be glad when your enemies meet disaster and don't rejoice wen they stumble. The lord will know if you are gloating and he will not like it, and then he might not punish them

Don't be like the wicked who scheme to rob honest people or take away their homes. No matter how often honest people fall, they always get up again, but disaster destroys the wicked

Don't let evil people worry you, don't be envious of them, a wicked person has no future - nothing to look forward to

Have reverence for the lord, my son and daughter and honour the king. Have nothing to do with people who rebel against them, such people could be ruined in a moment. Do you realize the disaster that God can cause?

After his rendition, he quietly walked down and sat beside the king while the people were left dumbfounded. The king admonished the all to go home and a give a serious thoughts to all they had heard, for their major goal in the province was to get the most civilized nation and inscribe the nuggets on the tablets of their hearts rather than on clay. And I urge you to give them serious thoughts.
See you next time, stay blessed.



The seed has been said to be the beginning of life, a forest once came from a tree and a tree from a seed, so the importance of the seed can't be over emphasized, likewise same with humans, it started from the fusion of an egg and a sperm, which then manifest to form humans after various stages.
Ancient scripts told of a parable of seeds, that all the sower needed do was to plant and allow the miracle worker do the unseen, all the miracle worker needs is for you the sower to plant the seed in your hands, plant it and watch him transform from seed to a cotyledon and then a plant and further more to a tree.
Never forget, there is a dieing phase for the seed, before it produces a sprout from the soil, so you seen, it is split into two
You choose the soil, plant, water, weed and weed till harvesting and the unforeseen is not yours to worry about. Your bargain has to be done for the process not to be marred.
The seed is that talent and gift you use for nothing, have you tried to plant?, many are shy to be laughed at or mocked, these are the best jokers I have ever met. Or you can choose majority to stay on the other side of the fence and watch other groom theirs and later tell their story, for me I have never been a party to such. As they say 'the ball is in your court'.
When you take a bold step, the miracle worker takes another forward for your sake, the process stage is not automatic or microwave principle, patience is a key figure. I pray you meet your turning point soon and you would be glad you did. Scripts also told of three servants who were blessed, each according to his ability, but the fool refused to harness his because he felt the master was too wicked to him, at the end he lost even that which he was given, be wise, so that what you have may not be taken away, when the result time comes. Be wise
And remember always play your bargain.



Firstly let me seize this opportunity to welcome you to this column (iPREACH), where we match Gods word with current events in the world today, and as you know the word will always prevail.
The kingdom in reference here is the of Heaven which supersedes that which we scramble for recognition and significance, and today in the first post on this column, what more would attract attention rather than wealth, that which every man is gasping after, we would see what the kingdom principles about the access to it is.
There are two powers of life;
A. Source of lack, poverty and fear is the spirit of ownership, the principle of ownership is the source of competition, war, strife and so much we see in the world today. A man wants to own an entire village, have every thing to be named bear his name or tag, this is rampant in the world today, nations fight over ownership of lands, continental shelves and so much.

B. The most powerful source, is that of peace, joy and love and is the spirit of access. This creates plenty. Human motivation (self preservation) is a normal human motivation, the economy is the means where self preservation is secured (jobs, currency for exchange or bargaining power are the tangibles in play here) the more currency you have , the more secure you seem to be. All nations are built on economies (the economy is more important than the government). The Bible says money answers all Eccl. 10:19. All you want to do requires money, it explains behavior, so hence your behavior is either based on money or God, Eccl. 5:10 (whoever loves money, never has enough)
Money is a lousy thing to pursue, but rather pursue the 'kingdom principle of access'.
When you get free from the spirit of ownership, giving is easy. When you stop fighting for ownership, others can then begin to benefits
Eccl. 5:12 - the more you get the more insecure you feel.
This one of the reason crime is rampant in the world today, the wonder is Gods economy is emerging because mans' economy can't solve the problem it has caused (the principle of ownership).
Stop hoarding, pulling and packing up things you would not need in years to come and Myles Munroe ones defined evil as; if you keep something someone else can use, without using it.
Today, I urge you to live in Gods' economy, that hungry next door neighbor would be saved if that bread you are about to throw away were channeled towards his way and you would have saved a life, likewise that rice wasting on daily basis.
Please note, it is not a crime to be blessed but remember we were blessed for a reason, to be a blessing ( just as Christ said "the poor will always remain amongst you") stay blessed.



Mr president was grilled by press men last night for over three hours on current national issues. Many waited to hear from the president a lot of fire, but GEJ in his usual manner virtually smiled till the end. Here is a summary of some of the issues;

Corruption; the president called the attention of Nigerians to the broad use of the word 'corruption' as most of the cases were merely those of stealing and nothing more, which would have been dealt appropriate but for the slow process of the judiciary. Here said there was a thin line between corruption and stealing and Nigerians should stop inter changing stealing for corruption.

Ministers: Mr GEJ, said one the issue of corruption cases of ministers, he said he gets direct and indirect reports daily on ministers conducts, and if he were to fire on every tip, ministers would be changed everyday, he laid reference on foreign nations where minister span up to ten years in power.
ii. On the petroleum minister and her court injunction barring the parliament from looking into her issue, the president denied been aware of such, but reiterated that the petroleum ministry had been one of the ministries that had been operating on jets, that it could be that the cost of hiring was much more economical than maintaining her own jets. And also stressed that ministers were spending over 25 percent of their working hours in the parliament.

Chibok girls; he urged Nigerians to be patient that the government is on the matter, later in the news it was reported that a meeting between the principal, waec officials and the presidency were in a meeting.

WEF (world Economic forum); Abuja would light up, as Nigeria hosts the world on behalf of Africa, as investors around the world gathers in Abuja on wednesday through friday, the President said this would have a direct impact on Nigeria in times to come, as investors would have a first hand experience to Nigeria. And he said about two have dedicated interest n investing. And this would help create employment.

Rebased Economy; he said there was nothing magical about the rebased GDP, he said it was merely taking stock of what we had, that the last time the economy was rebased, major players like Nollywood were not in existence, so there was nothing like 'okonjonomics' as many have cried.

Inec budget; he assured Nigerians whether inec's budget was cut down by parliament or not, that Nigerians should expect Inec to deliever on credible elections in the Nation.

Second term Declaration; he said, Nigerian should be concerned with good governance, free and fair elections and other things that come with governance and not his second term aspirations.

And other issues which were placed on the front burner.


Boko haram

A few reasons why Boko
Haram gained the upper hand
over Nigeria and some facts
about Boko Haram - By: Jasper
Azuatalam and Okpebo .E. Chima - May 2, 2014.
1. The government
misunderstood Boko Harram
to be a Northern conspiracy
against a South-South
president. They forget that the
first uprising was in 2009
when Yar'Adua was still
president. It may be too late for
us to wait to find out after a
South-south president, when
Boko Haram would not stop
their attacks.
2. Boko Haram was
underestimated by Nigeria and
her government; many facts
pointed to that and one of
which is the attempted
negotiation with the sect.
3. Our security men on the field
are not well motivated to fight
the sect and they do not trust
the government to be void of
4. Corruption and insincerity
on the part of the government
in the fight against Boko
Facts that we must accept to
begin an effective war against
Boko Haram:
a. Boko Harram is a terror
organization and one of the
tactics of every terror
organization is deceit. They
trick their targets with false
claims so they do not
understand their true nature
and origin, so the fight against
them can either be impossible
or difficult.
b. Terrorist organizations do
not dialogue, though they may
pretend to in an attempt to
deceive their target.
c. Terrorists have only one goal
and that is to cause terror.
Their satisfaction is in killing,
maiming, and causing pain to
their target.
d. Terrorists have no religious
or tribal loyalties. When they
pretend to do, they only aim to
deceive their target and gain
an upper hand.
e. One of the weapons of
terrorism is to cause disunity
among their target and
weaken their resistance.
f. The same way we have
international NGOs and
organizations who are
investing money to make the
world a better place is the
same way we have
international terrorists that are
investing their money to make
the world a bitter place and
terrorize humans.
g. International terrorists are
investing in Boko Harram and
causing terror in Nigeria.
h. Boko Harram has declared
war against Nigeria and the
only way to stop them is to
unite and fight back
we must diagnose our
sickness and identify it before
we get a cure. It is dangerous
to have Typhoid fever and be
treating malaria.
To an ordinary Southerner,
Boko Haram is the creation of
northern elites to make the
Jonathan's administration
ungovernable. To an ordinary
Northerner, Boko Haram is the
creation of the Jonathan-led
government in order to
decimate the population of
northerners and to destroy
their economy. But to Boko
Haram there is no distinction
between northerner and
southerner or Muslim and
Christians. Their goal is to
cause terror and their target
knows no such bounds.
Those who are asking the
government for money to talk
to Boko Haram over dialogue
are just trying to take
advantage of our pains to
exploit the government and
the people. There is nothing to
talk about. Boko Haram is a
terrorist group. The only thing
we can do is to stop them


We usually don't do this, but as a world holiday and it is to celebrate the brain box of economies, we dedicate this column to workers around the globe, especially our dear nation Nigeria.

1. Workers staged a walk-out on the comrade governor of Edo state (Com. Adams Oshiomole), as they said he was not delivering the speech they wanted, and besides it was not mandatory to listen to every thing. The flash point was when the governor maintained a buogus stance on the teachers assesment test.

2. To mark the workers day, former chieftain of the 'progressives' APC, has decided to dump the party and pitch tents with the umbrella bering PDP. This occasion attracted marmont crowd at the event.

3. CAN president, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, has urged workers to collaborate to foster peace in the nation.

4. President GEJ commends workers and promised the Fed. Govt has good intentions towards workers in Nigeria. He made the ascertion while addressing workers at the Famous Eagle square.

5. Sports: Real Madrid has made it to the final of the UEFA champions league on May 24 in Lisbon, to square tackles with city rivals Atletico Madrid, who gave J. Mourinhos' Chelsea a bitter pill to swallow at the stamford bridge. We look forward to an epic encounter.

6. Not forgeting to mention the fifa world cup, Sepp Blatter (fifa pres.) Has said it would be zero tolerance for racism at the mundial.
Major Brazilian players which include; Lucas leiva, Hulk, Oscar, Willian even Suarez, Adebayor and others have joined the campain on twitter with various tweets.
#saynotoracism. We are the Eonn Magazine joined the campaign long ago (check for 'just a color' on this site).

Finally friends, this is where we draw the curtains today. See you next time.

Send your comments at us on @the_Eonn. Stay blessed.


April 14, terrorist abducted school girls from a government school in Chibok, Borno State. We are still debating how many they are. The rescue efforts were futile enough for parents of the victims to dare the Samsiba Forest, on their own. National life is bustling; except for the parents, little else is being heard (many say for security reasons, laughable). Boko haram, accused of taking the young girls (which Nyarko has said is a phantom and a ploy by the federal govt to destroy the 'Northern Nation'), has been slaughtering innocent students in their sleep and bombing at random, robbing and maiming.
On April 16, a south Korean ferry conveying over 500 passengers, mostly high school students and their teachers to the holiday island of Jegu sank. 174 survived with the remainder presumed dead though resue operations continue. On Sunday, The south korean prime minister, Chung Hong-wong, resigned in response to criticism of the governments slow reaction to the accident.
He was neither the owner of the ill fated ferry, minister of transport or rather the captain of the ferry. He was the captain of the Nation of which the ferry was part of, and the safety of those lives were his primary assignment, and he accepted responsibilty and traded no blames or blamed anybody or the media for escalating the situation.
In his words "keeping my post is too great a burden on the administration" in a brief announcement (with reference to the 9/11 attack, when the then American president fainted on getting to the site of the dastardly act; humanity I say at its peak).
He apologised for many problems from the prevention of the accident and hoped they are corrected. Some have even called for the resignation of the of the president Park Geun-hye.
They have banned applause at baseball games, comedy on television has been suspended, the nation is in mourning and its evident that the life of citizens count especially the young ones.
Is it that we have nobody charged with our security in this part, though evasion of responsiblity is a known plaque we have grown as a nation to nurture.
Has security of lives and properties been thrown away due to shenaniganism of those who pilot affairs the nation or is it they haven't had personal encounters.
On a lighter note, it was reported in the dailies that four girls have yet again escaped from the abductors as they were left for dead due to ill health. But yet again politicised, as the local government boss admits he wasn't allowed to see them (imagine?) Painting the image of a hoax in the air.
God bless Nigeria, as we will see the end of this scourge as always is the case. Remember security is everyones business.
Be vigilante.



A walk along the boulevard (street), brought fond memories time past (not too long ago), though settings had changed and definitely people as well, I remember remember how we used to be friendly with neighbours, that our parents could entrust us in their care when we returned from school. Playing with their kids was the best part of fun. Houses were characterised by low fences, if they had any so we could admire either the art work on the building or the edifice itself, on the other hand, it was beneficial to occupants as they had access to first class oxygen to inhale. Mama jane would without fear display her wares in the store and sit at the back to wash her babies dirty panties, and would be sure to hear the phrase "who dey sell?" And would with the speed of light. So it was in my beloved hood
Suddenly I hit my leg against a protruding stone, and I opened my eyes to high fences and occupants gasping for free air, not due to population rise but because of security issues. What has gone wrong? Was the only question that came to mind.
Could it be that love no longer lived in my hood, or was it a dip in the rate of humanity and morality in the society?, we could barely live the house empty without anyone anyone, you would come back to a truly empty house.
Things have gone to the extent of self defense by the formation of vigilante groups.
This an appeal to all and sundry to heed the call of corncerned individuals, at a time such as this that everyone's nerve is on the edge, as the backfiring of a car or motorcycle can produce a mild drama in the vicinity.
This is a call to security vigilance, let's all know that security is everybodys' business. And also teach our young ones to be their brothers keepers. Stay blessed.



Ever read any book or material and you have that feeling to go over it again and again, or probably don't want to return it when it's not yours, darling you just laid hands on a master piece. Its wisdom hardly fades, if it would ever will, I know I've got you mind probing right now, don't worry its part of the aim of this work, I won't mention any masterpiece, I'll leave that to you but quickly I will share some features of such a work of art with you, so you know the examples to share
1. It always Cut through time barrier; such a book, tape, movie or what ever the case maybe, always seems appealing to the senses whenever it is picked up by readers or audience. It has a message that can never be eroded by time barrier

2. Be spiritual; readers should be able to draw inspiration when they pick it up, by this I don't refer to religion, you can say there is something unusual about it, your in dept or emotions determines the inspiration you draw at a particular point in time. That means every time you lay eyes on it, you get an entirely new message or inspiration.

3. Be thought provoking and mind bogging: this is in some ways similar to previous point, but slightly different, here the material gets you thinking, and trying to match realities of what happens in the present with what you see in the work. Sometimes you may even be lost in thoughts. Or you could even use it as a guide for events or life actions religiously.

4. Give reader or audience a will or choice; here readers or audience are given the pros and cons of a subject matter, they are shown the 'head and the tail' and allowed to choose for themselves which to adhere to, in order words, force is not applied, logical reasoning is presented before the audience or readers and the choice is left at their court. At most, a more favored side is suggested often for the readers to make his/her choice.

5. Need no change or revision; masterpieces barely need revision or a new edition that would contradict it's message, at most what you get is a further building on the knowledge already embedded in it, this tends to make it 'super- master'.
There are more but let's stop here so you don't get bored. The deal is, if you have ever read or laid hands on any material that possess these qualities listed, kindly send it to us on our connects
Twitter; @the_Eonn
Facebook; The Eonn Magazine
Use hastag (#eonnation).



Prejudice, a menace that has taken over the world. Where men are judged, sometimes on their skin color, nationality, gender and even religious affiliations.
In Africa, Amensty International report 2012 says "violence and discrimination against women remained widespread in many countries" prejudice equals discrimination, have you ever been discriminated before or have you discriminated anyone before?
This is a tough question to answer, probably you haven't been in such situation to know what to do. Whether we realize it or not, it is difficult for us to detect if we harbor certain prejudices in our heart. Ancient scripts explains this when it said "the heart of man is more deceitful than anything else" (Jer 17:9).
In the body of christ, prejudice has taken a foothold, where we have split it into denomination and all claim to be christ followers (last I checked, christ was one). We regard others from other denomination as inferiors and even refuse to associate with them (apostacy, so they call it).
This crack was noticed in the early church, when the gentiles were termed 'inferior' on the altar of circumcision.
"Never judge a book by its cover", prejudice warranted such a phrase, this was put besat in scriptures in 1sam 16:7 and went further to show us how to live I Lev. 19:15 "be honest and just when make decisions in legal cases, do not show favoritism to the poor or fear the rich"
Many parliative measures have been put in place to cushion the effects of prejudice in our world and even in christendom. The famous " I have a dream speech" by Martin Luther and the United Nations Declarations on the elimination of all forms of Racial discrimination or any sort adopted by over 100 countries in November 20, 1963, still many are suffering th scourge of prejudice.
The solution is not putting laws but for people to truly give up this way of life, and this starts with making up your mind to change and as well know Gods viewpoint on the matter.
For Believers, the scripture says "those things that are not found in Christ, let them not be found in you".
In Acts 10, Peter, a jew was instructed by God to go to the house of a gentile 'cornelius' which was religiously wrong according to jewish tradition, as he would be termed 'unclean'. God had to use visions as illustrations to convince him that nothing was unclean. And at the end of the episode he confessed (Acts 10:34-35) peter said "I now realize that it is true that God treats everyone on the same basis". At the end, the gentiles receieved the outpouring of the holy spirit and apake in tongues and praised God, and finally baptized.
So then the question is; if God doesn't discriminate why then do you?
God isn't looking at the outward appearances ( though important; don't misquote me) but at the heart of men ( Rom 14:1-4, 1sam 16:7).
Stay Blessed.



The much awaited and long anticipated exodus from the APC in Edo state has began, with this I say bravo to the dieing 'progressive' spirit and the high handedness of the comrade governor (Adams Oshiomole).
This faction said to be loyal to Pst Ize-iyamu have began to seek for greener pastures in the umbrella bearing party (PDP), as some wards in Oredo L.G.A has received defectors.
After an abismal conduct of ward congresses, the local government congresses witnessed massive boycotting from 'disgruntled elements', who asked their leader, the governor to cancel and rearrange the congress (whiich was an uphill task which wouldn't be attempted). In this column I predicted an exodus and was labelled a cynic, recents events has proven me to be a prophet in the making. With this, would the governor still maintain his stand of homogenising or is a fresh congress around the corner? I certainly think there would be no fresh congress, owing to the statement of the interim p.r.o of the party in Edo state (Mr sunny Erhahon), which advised Pst. Ize-iyamu to act as a man of God he labelled himsaelf to be and restore normalcy to the 'progressives'.
We are watching from the sidelines to see as events pan out. Could be that the APC can't handle their new found popularity? Or are we seeing a case of 'pot calling kettle black'?
Yet again the third law of motion is in play here.



You may have noticed the current dip in the lyrics in songs of this age, and I decided to bring you evergreen jams you just can't do without when music comes to mind.

20. These words - Natashia Bedingfield

19. If you are not the one - Daniel Bedingfield

18. Hello - Lionel Richie

17. I wish - The lighthouse Family

16. High - The Lighthouse Family

15. Do it to me - Lionel Richie

14. On bended knees - Boyz 2 Men

13. Waters run dry - Boyz 2 Men

12. One more Night - Phil Collins

11. Stuck on you - Lionel Richie

10. Runaway - The Corrs

9. Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson

8. 1000 miles - Vanessa Carlton

7. Count on me - Whitney Houston

6. Lie about us - Avant

5. Ocean Drive - The Lighthouse family

4. Lullaby - Lemar

3. Back at One - Brian Mcknight

2. Every thing I do - Bryan Adams

1. Kiss from a rose - Seal

If you got these songs on your playlist, I promise you would be feeling a whole new world. Try them.
This is our compilation, if you think it aint cool enough to rock your playlist. Compile yours and tweet it at us on our handle;
@the_Eonn with hastag (#ebug)



With the just concluded expanded National security meeting in Abuja, first reports came that APC governors evaded the first meeting and counter attack, that they were given the notion that the meeting would not hold, upon re convening they decided to send their deputies (as that was their job; to deputize). Who is who in Nigeria in the affairs of security were present.
A lot of reactions have trailed the outcome of the meeting, as Nigerian were urged to imbibe religious tolerance for each other.
I and every other person in Nigeria knows the root of Boko Haram menace to be more political than religious (even many would frown at this, but I'm sorry) with accusations and counter accusation from the 'YAB' governors, as they have persistently labelled the federal government as the finger on the pen that wrote the scripts, this very evident in the comments of the Adamawa state governor (Murtala Nyako), though as the chief security officer of his state, it ought to be in his personal interest to keep quiet on this issue.
As the trend is in our polity, there are always those who play the defence game for each party, the Information minister was qiuck to lambast the governor for such derogatory statements about the federal government that has 'unleashed its arsenal on the war against terrorism'. In the spate of events, newtons third law isn't far from mind, which states "for every force, there is a reaction force hat is equal in size, but opposite in direction" that is whenever an object pushes another object, it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard. This has been what has panned out since the insurgency erupted.
Blames been traded across board from those saddled with our collective security, this is an abismal show of responsibility and leadership.
As I said in UNSCRIPTED, and maintain, there is more to this insurgency that meets the eye. The case of the abduction of those innocent girls in Bornue, as a forest has become so huge for our military to invade. All we need to know from those in the seat of power to do is be honest and put the masses in the know, if the insurgency is beyound their comprehension and not shifting blames across board. Because security of lives and properties is a serious issue.
Remember, security is every ones business. Be vigilante and report cases to approprate authorities.
Stay blessed, God bless Nigeria



1893 Niger Coast came into being

1903 Protectorate and colony of lagos became part of southern Nigeria.

1914 Southern and Northern protectorate amalgamated

1922 Clifford constitution

1922 Legislative council created

1928 Legislative council order was amended

1942 conference of Northern Chiefs and Emirs

1922 NNDP (first political party) led by Herbert Macualay

1925 Lagos news daily

1945 Richard constitution

1943 Nigerian was appionted to executive council

1951 Macperson constitution

1957 the constitution conference



In a bid to get a new life, the old life has got to die or rather die to the old life. Just as science has made us know, when a seed is planted it has first got to die and then be reborn. So it is with man.
Humans are unique, they are the only species which can live on a script for a time and then decide to tear it and start new, it is the reawakening ability.
This phrase "loose it to get it back" had confused for a long time before I was brought into the light. I never believed it was possible to be reborn just as Nicodemus. This phrase is key on the road to self discovery.
In a remedial class for addicts and 'junkies', the therapist told them, "you have to loose to get it back", that simply meant, if they wanted to be normal the onus laid with them. It starts with a reduction in dosage of the drug till total freedom is achieved likewise sane individuals, change is a gentle slow process and effects are always felt. Bernard said "progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything". So you see, the need to die to habits of blame trading and evasion of responsibilities is apt, for capacity to increase. Long ago, I died to negativity and confidence bursting, despite challenges which come on per day billing (as long as you are alive), I learnt how to see light at the end of the tunnel with my minds eye (which see further than the naked eyes), even when I fail I pick myself (just as David did) and forge ahead. As they say, "if one can reach, one can teach one" after application and it works teach others, by this we can pursue change in our society. Loose that mediocrity and forge will to succeed.
Paul is an astounding example, as ancient script recorded. From chauvinism to preacher of the gospel, in his old ways he made women premature widows likewise children he made orphans. But there was a turn around and he became a man of great character.
Hence a criminal can turn around to help society fight crime. So this is a cause for every one. And never forget the father of infinite wisdom.
As always remember, to succeed is your bargain.
